Human Touch vs. Mass Production : Etsy’s Stand for Artisans

Reading Time : 2 minutes Etsy is reclaiming its handmade roots. Facing criticism for mass-produced goods flooding the platform, Etsy launches a new campaign celebrating artisans and emphasizing the human element of commerce. New features will increase transparency for shoppers, clearly labeling how each product is made. Etsy’s message is clear: keep commerce human.

Amazon’s Journey: From Garage Startup to Global Giant

Reading Time : 3 minutes Amazon, the world’s largest online retailer, was founded by Jeff Bezos in 1994. Bezos, who was then working at a hedge fund

How To Style Leather Jackets For Women For The Prefect Winter Look

Reading Time : 2 minutes Leather jackets have always been in vogue and every woman has at least a piece or two in her closet. It is amazingly easy to look rocking in winters if you style these jackets right because they have a class and attitude of their own. Here are some tips to help you style your winter look with trendy leather jackets for women.

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