Meet Algis

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Algis Jurgelevicius


Algis is a highly experienced and respected IT specialist with over 40 years of experience in the field. He has worked as a project manager for a number of international companies, including Matra Transport, Benetton, and the Liaison Office Europe-Taiwan (ETTIS), where he has been instrumental in the successful implementation of numerous IT projects.

He has a reputation for his expertise in a wide range of IT disciplines, including software development, network infrastructure, and data management. He is known for his ability to lead complex projects from start to finish, and for his ability to think strategically and identify innovative solutions to challenging problems.

Throughout his career, he has worked with a diverse range of clients, from small startups to large multinational corporations. His ability to communicate effectively with people from different cultural backgrounds has been a key factor in his success, and has helped him to build strong relationships with clients and colleagues alike.

Due to the recent emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and his interest in neurology, Algis is now channeling his experience and expertise in IT towards a new and exciting venture. Recognizing the immense potential of artificial intelligence in the medical field, he is dedicating his time and knowledge to the creation of cutting-edge AI models specifically tailored for medical institutions, pharmaceutical companies, hardware manufacturers, and even insurance companies interested in investing in this groundbreaking project.
(Project website at )

(*His last Work “Neurology and the Emergence of AI” is available – ISBN pending, send Email to

He is also active in the community, volunteering his time and expertise to support various charitable organizations. He is widely respected for his contributions to the field of IT, and is recognized as a leader in his industry. Overall, Algis Jurgelevicius is a highly skilled and dedicated IT specialist, with a long track record of success in the field.

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