Anatomy of a Great Handshake

Reading Time : 3 minutes

The handshake is a universally recognized gesture of greeting and goodwill. It is a simple yet powerful way to make a positive first impression and show respect to others.

Despite its simplicity, the handshake is an important social ritual that can have a significant impact on how others perceive us. A firm, confident handshake can convey professionalism, trustworthiness, and friendliness, while a weak or limp handshake can give the impression of weakness, lack of confidence, or dishonesty.

But what makes a good handshake? Here are some more detailed tips on how to execute a firm handshake properly:

Make eye contact. Before you extend your hand, make sure to make eye contact with the other person. This shows that you are confident and engaged in the interaction. Avoid looking down or away, as this can give the impression of shyness or lack of confidence.

Extend your hand fully. When extending your hand, make sure to extend it fully, with your palm facing downward. This shows that you are confident and open to the interaction. Avoid extending your hand partially or with your palm facing upward, as this can make the handshake feel awkward or unnatural.

Grip firmly. When gripping the other person’s hand, make sure to grip firmly, but not too tightly. A firm grip shows confidence and respect, but a tight grip can be uncomfortable and make the other person feel overpowered. To gauge the right amount of pressure, try to match the other person’s grip firmly but not too tightly.

Shake firmly. When shaking the other person’s hand, make sure to do so firmly and with a slight up and down motion. This shows that you are confident and engaged in the interaction. Avoid shaking too lightly or too vigorously, his may cause the it to feel uneasy.

Release smoothly. When releasing the other person’s hand, make sure to do so smoothly and without hesitation. This shows that you are confident and respectful in the interaction. Avoid releasing too quickly or too slowly.

Handshake is an important social ritual that can have a significant impact on how others perceive us. By executing a firm, confident handshake, we can show professionalism, trustworthiness, and respect to others. So the next time you greet someone, remember to make a great first impression with a firm handshake. Practice makes perfect, so don’t be afraid to try out different techniques and adjust your handshake until you feel comfortable and confident.

Bénédicte Lin - Brussels, Paris, London, Seoul, Tokyo, New York, Taipei
Bénédicte Lin – Brussels, Paris, London, Seoul, Tokyo, New York, Taipei