Reading Time : 3 minutes Oya stone, a unique volcanic tuff near Utsunomiya, has shaped Japan’s architecture for centuries. From ancient tombs to Frank Lloyd Wright’s Imperial Hotel, its history is preserved in the vast Oya History Museum. With mining still ongoing, this storied stone continues to blend cultural heritage, natural beauty, and practical use in modern applications.
Reading Time : 2 minutesThe pursuit of gold never fades. From the 19th-century Chinese in California to modern-day fortune-seekers in Keelung, the allure of gold has captured hearts. But while dreams remain grand, the reality is often more elusive. Explore how these historical and modern gold rushes connect humanity’s eternal desire for wealth.
Reading Time : 2 minutesBotswana has uncovered the largest diamond found in over a century, a stunning 2,492-carat gem from the Karowe Mine. This discovery marks the second-biggest diamond ever unearthed, following the famous Cullinan Diamond of 1905. Weighing nearly half a kilogram, the diamond was presented by President Mokgweetsi Masisi, who expressed awe at the historic find. The stone’s value is yet to be determined, but it solidifies Botswana’s reputation as a leading source of the world’s most exceptional diamonds.
Reading Time : 2 minutesIn the realm of engagement rings, lab-grown diamonds are stealing the spotlight, challenging the dominance of their natural counterparts. Recent data reveals
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Reading Time : 3 minutesFabergé eggs are perhaps the most iconic examples of Russian jewelry and decorative arts, renowned for their exquisite craftsmanship and the rich
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Reading Time : 3 minutesIn gemology, you don’t want to confuse the cut of diamonds with their shape.
Reading Time : 3 minutesWhen you are considering purchasing a diamond, there are many things that you need to keep in mind. After all, it tends
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Reading Time : 2 minutesA diamond is a natural crystal – an allotrope of carbon. Its chemical composition consists of 100% carbon atoms, arranged in an
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