The Changing Landscape of Marketing Budgets

Reading Time : 2 minutes

In marketing, staying ahead of budget trends is crucial for businesses looking to maximize their impact. Recent data from Gartner’s CMO Survey reveals a concerning trend: marketing budgets have decreased by 15% year over year. This shift signifies a new era of financial constraints for marketing departments, forcing professionals to do more with less. As marketing budgets represent a smaller percentage of total company revenue, strategic adaptations are becoming essential.



Despite the decline in overall marketing budgets, there is a glimmer of optimism surrounding the role of AI in driving growth and efficiency in marketing efforts. According to the survey, CMOs are increasingly turning to technology, particularly AI, to navigate through these challenging times. With only a small percentage of CMOs overlooking AI as an investment priority, it’s evident that the industry is moving towards a more tech-driven future.



The rise of GenAI as a potent technology in marketing underscores the industry’s shift towards automation and digital transformation. While investment in marketing technology is decreasing as a percentage of budgets, paid media spends are on the rise. This shift underscores the importance of resource allocation and diversification across channels to connect with target audiences in a cost-effective manner.



The findings from Gartner’s CMO Survey highlight the changing landscape of marketing budgets and the growing significance of AI in shaping marketing strategies. By understanding and adapting to these trends, marketing professionals can embrace innovation and agility in the face of financial constraints. Staying informed and proactive in navigating these shifts will be key to success in the dynamic and competitive world of marketing.


Bénédicte Lin – Brussels, Paris, London, Seoul, Bangkok, Tokyo, New York, Taipei, Hong Kong
Bénédicte Lin – Brussels, Paris, London, Seoul, Bangkok, Tokyo, New York, Taipei, Hong Kong