Water Wars : Celebrating Unity in Songkran Thai New Year

Every April, Thailand lights up with the jubilant festivities of Songkran, the Thai New Year celebration. Spanning from April 13th to 15th, this vibrant festival is a time-honored tradition deeply ingrained in the country’s cultural fabric. As the sun transitions from Pisces to Aries, Songkran marks a period of renewal and transformation, symbolizing the washing away of the old and the ushering in of the new. Rooted in ancient customs and spiritual beliefs, Songkran is not just about water fights and street parties; it’s a profound expression of unity, family bonds, and reverence for tradition.



At the heart of Songkran lies the ritual of water splashing, a joyful and exuberant tradition that symbolizes purification and cleansing. Armed with water guns, buckets, and hoses, people take to the streets to drench one another in a playful display of camaraderie. The act of splashing water is not merely frivolous fun; it’s a symbolic gesture of washing away the misfortunes and troubles of the past year, making way for a fresh start and new beginnings. This collective act of purification fosters a sense of unity and togetherness as people from all walks of life come together to celebrate the spirit of Songkran.



In addition to water splashing, Songkran is also a time for paying homage to Buddhist teachings and traditions. One of the most sacred rituals is the pouring of scented water over Buddha statues, known as “Rod Nam Dum Hua.” This ritual, accompanied by prayers and blessings, is a gesture of humility and reverence, symbolizing the washing away of impurities and the infusion of blessings for the year ahead. As the sweet aroma of flowers fills the air and the sound of chanting reverberates through temples, Songkran becomes a deeply spiritual experience that reaffirms one’s faith and devotion.



While Songkran has evolved over the years to incorporate modern elements such as water guns and elaborate street parties, its essence remains rooted in tradition and cultural heritage. Amidst the revelry and excitement, there is a profound sense of respect for Thai customs and teachings, as people come together to honor their ancestors and celebrate the rich tapestry of their heritage. Efforts have also been made to promote eco-friendly practices during Songkran, reflecting a growing awareness of environmental sustainability and the need to preserve the beauty of this cherished festival for generations to come.



In its joyful chaos and vibrant colors, Songkran encapsulates the spirit of unity, renewal, and community. As water washes away the old and welcomes the new, Songkran serves as a powerful reminder of the cyclical nature of life and the importance of embracing change with open arms. Whether you’re a local or a visitor, Songkran invites you to immerse yourself in the festivities, to experience the joy of connection and the beauty of tradition, and to celebrate the boundless possibilities of the New Year ahead.


Bénédicte Lin – Brussels, Paris, London, Seoul, Bangkok, Tokyo, New York, Taipei, Hong Kong
Bénédicte Lin – Brussels, Paris, London, Seoul, Bangkok, Tokyo, New York, Taipei, Hong Kong